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Re: Putting It All On a Stick

On Wednesday 30 December 2015 17:29:30 Brian wrote:
> On Wed 30 Dec 2015 at 10:37:53 -0500, Steve Matzura wrote:
> > Can the net install run with speech? I didn't think it could.
> "Install with speech systhesis" is the last item in the installer menu.
> The only major difference between DVD-1 and the netinst ISO is the first
> gets packages from the DVD (if there is no mirror) whereas the second
> will get some of them from the net (a mirror is needed). I cannot see
> why using a netinst ISO is any better than DVD-1.

_Because_ the DVD1 gets its packages from the DVDs, so during installation 
they have to be there, or you have to interrupt the installation, edit the 
sources list, and continue choosing your software to complete the 
installation.  And the net-install CD gets its packages from the Internet and 
sets up your sources list to do the same, so you can complete your 
installation in one fell sweep.  Yes, you need an Internet connection so it 
is not suitable for all cases, but  an Internet connection does not appear to 
be the problem here.


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