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Re: openjdk 8 on Debian wheezy 7.9

On 11/16/2015 12:14 PM, Dwijesh Gajadur wrote:
I am using Debian Wheezy 7.9. How can I install openjdk 8 on it?

For my SOHO network, the lowest-risk approach is to use official Debian packages for the distribution I am using (with older distributions being safer than newer distributions):


1. For wheezy, openjdk-7-jdk version 7u85-2.6.1-6~deb7u1 appears to be the newest version.

2.  For jessie, openjdk-7-jdk is at 7u85-2.6.1-6+deb8u1.

3.  For stretch, openjdk-8-jdk is at 8u72-b05-1.

Newer packages may be available via Debian backports, at higher risk:


1. For wheezy-backports, there does not appear to be a newer version of openjdk-7-sdk.

2.  Same for wheezy-backports-sloppy.

3.  For jessie-backports, openjdk-8-jdk is at 8u66-b17-1~bpo8+1.

Highest risk approaches include:

1.  Find somebody that packages a *.deb file and use that.

2.  Find somebody who offers a source tarball and use that.

I have destabilized more Debian systems that I can remember by attempting foreign packages/ tarballs. (It's just as likely the root cause was operator error as it was software error.) I don't recall doing that using a backport alone.

A good way to contain risk is to use virtualization. Put Debian oldstable or stable on a strong computer, install a hypervisor, and then build VM's using whatever is required. If the VM's meet your needs, this approach also facilitates configuration management and disaster recovery.

And I also have another question. Is Debian a good distro for Java
programming ?

I've done "hello, world!" and other basic learning exercises using Debian and OpenJDK. I'll let other people comment on advanced Java development using Debian.

Can we use the latest features of Java on debian??

I would assume that Oracle offers a JDK with the newest features. Be sure to understand the license.


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