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On 24/10/15 17:19, Reco wrote:

I assume you meant https://wiki.debian.org/QEMU. So, for example:

qemu -hda debian.img -cdrom debian-testing-i386-businesscard.iso -boot
d -m 256

translated to the language of current stable, means:

qemu-system-x86_64 -hda debian.img -cdrom \
debian-testing-i386-businesscard.iso -boot d -m 256

Basically, qemu-launcher merely run "qemu" with certain arguments,
which ceased to work once Debian stopped providing "/usr/bin/qemu"
executable. Which rendered the whole "qemu-launcher" unusable, and
since the maintainer was not able to fix the package - it was
rightfully removed from Jessie before the release.
The bug is still open, and as far as I can tell, the problem of this
package won't fix itself.


Excellent thank you. I installed QEMU a couple of years back under Wheezy but havent done much with it so I was confused as to why things were no longer working since upgrading to Jessie.

One other question. Is it possible to run it on a non GUI host ie a Debian system without X installed but run guest operating systems which do require a GUI such as MS Windows or Haiku?


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