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Re: Tracking down memory leaks

On 10/18/2015 12:53 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:
On Sat, 17 Oct 2015, Marc Shapiro wrote:
When I do have to do a reboot I close down everything to a single
console running. I then run top and it only shows bash and top. Next
time I will run top and include root and daemon processes and see if
anything shows up. I am guessing that this is memory that Firefox was
using, but has forgotten about. If that is the case, is there a way to
free it up without doing a reboot?
  5062 marc      20   0 7622m 5.3g  12m D   1.6 68.1 210:02.01 firefox

First off, firefox isn't something that Debian distributes. So odds are
that whatever version you're using is old and outdated, or you're using
a plugin or add-on which is buggy.
No, it's current. I get it directly from the Mozilla site whenever there is a new release. I am currently running 40.0.2.
Secondly, in firefox or iceweasel, about:memory will show you want it is
doing and where it is spending its memory.

Finally, if you kill off the firefox process, it will stop using the
memory, and the memory will become free again without you doing
anything else.

Something is not freeing up memory. It may, or may not be Firefox, but... I can exit all programs and all instances of X, leaving only a single console running. Top will show itself and bash, nothing else, but free can show over 2GB used. If I then reboot, free will show only about 250 MB used. Obviously something was tying up nearly 2 GB and it took a reboot to free it up.


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