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Nautilus classic search in Jessie?


I switched from Debian 7 to Debian 8. The nautilus file browser is now updated and I am particularly interested in removing one of its new features. The new 'search as you type' feature does not make sense to me. If I wanted to search for a file starting down from the current directory I would expect to hit CTRL+F or just use the terminal. And while browsing through the file system I would expect that I select files when I type on the keyboard, not search for them recursively. This is slow and breaks user experience. At least that's my point of view. So, do you know how I can get the "old" search back. I tried

gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences enable-interactive-search true

but it seems that there is no such key in Debian - I read this in an Ubuntu forum. I got used to Nautilus so I would like to continue using it. But if there is no way to get the old search back I will switch to something orthodox that can do it.



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