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Re: Adapter Names on Stretch

On Sunday 30 August 2015 01:59:33 Gene Heskett wrote:
> He may have been, but it wasn't enough that he sent our "loaned" guns
> back when the festivities were over in 1945. Instead, they were all
> collected on a barge, taken out in the middle of the channel, and
> shoveled overboard.
> The hunters amd sportsmen of the USA loaned the English those weapons so
> that the english might have something to defend your land with should
> the Germans attempt an invasion, with the understanding they would be
> tracked, and returned to their rightfull owner when no longer needed.
> My grandfather loaned 2 shotguns, top of the line Parkers that at auction
> today would have a starting bid of at least $2500 each. They were his
> most prized firearms possessions.  He, and several thousand other
> Americans never saw their weapons again, thanks to Churchill.
> There are long memories, and there are lessons learned. It would not
> happen again today even if my cabinet is about average & I could spare
> one...
> That is absolutely no reflection on you personally Lisi.  But I don't
> trust my government, nor yours, to ever do the right thing.

Gene, you are fond of this chestnut.   I could find no mention of it other 
than that some guns were destroyed at the end of the war.  David has done 

Our government did not "borrow" guns.  Churchill did not "borrow" guns.  I am 
very glad to hear that the American RA  has learnt its lesson and will not be 
dumping its guns on us again.  We had an army and a very good air force to 
defend our land, and an ill-supplied and fairly useless, but very well 
intentioned, home guard, who were a menace and a danger quite often with  any 
arms they did have.

David, whose research has borne more fruit than mine, has found one 
contemporary case of a citizen who asked his brother for a gun and another of 
Americans foisting guns on us unasked.  He also found out about that 
Committee.  How many people were on the Committee?  Who elected them?  Who 
did they represent?  I have a deep rooted distrust of vigilantes.

I am glad that all those guns were disposed of.  I hate the idea of private 
citizens feeling free to shoot people, even Germans.  How do you recognise a 
German?  All those guns in America don't make you more safe, they make you 
less so.

I'm genuinely sorry about your grandfather's guns.  But if he had been less 
eager to foist American gun culture on the British, who would have had guns 
themselves if they had believed in them, he would not have lost his beloved 

So please, keep your guns.  I am glad to hear that you have no intention of 
sending then over here!


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