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Debug files are given unreadable names

Hello. Please compare:

with the following:


The libc6 debug package clearly shows the actual file names of the
SO-s from which the debug symbols where extracted so that for instance
even though I find:

/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu $ nm libm.so
nm: libm.so: no symbols

I can go to the identically named directory under /usr/lib/debug and:
/usr/lib/debug/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu $ nm -C libm-2.19.so | grep sincos
0000000000027530 W sincos
0000000000027530 t __sincos
0000000000034d80 W sincosf
0000000000034d80 t __sincosf
000000000003f950 W sincosl
000000000003f950 t __sincosl
00000000000aafe0 r __sincosl_table
00000000000ade20 r __sincostab

Clearly the Qt/KDE libs' debug symbols files should also have similar
meaningful names identical to the actual SO files from which these
symbols have been stripped, but there is probably some bug in the
Debian builder scripts which automatically pull the git from upstream
repo and builds it, or something like that, causing names to be
similar to git blob file names.

I do not have enough knowledge of Debian build system to identify the
correct package to file the bug against. Please tell me if the bug is
already filed too. (I tried to use the search interface but trying to
"include bugs with" "debug symbols have unreadable names" did not work

Thanks. BTW I'm not subscribed to this list so I request being CC-ed
on this thread.

Shriramana Sharma ஶ்ரீரமணஶர்மா श्रीरमणशर्मा

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