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Re: [solved] intel atom D525MW w/i915 onboard gfx vs 16x9 monitor

Le decadi 30 messidor, an CCXXIII, Gene Heskett a écrit :
> This time it wasn't running, so I click keep, then ran linuxcnc and 
> loaded the circle.  Perfect!  Nother lesson learned.  You cannot 
> completely reconfigure the screen when an application is using it, even 
> if no motion is taking place and the image is static.

I am glad you managed to solve you problem, but forget that lesson, because
it is wrong. Unless the application is doing something very strange with the
X11 server (very unlikely), or simply is a game that puts itself in
fullscreen at a different resolution (you would have noticed it, and you
would not have been able to change the resolution without leaving it), you
definitely can reconfigure the screen at any time.

Most likely, it did not take because of some other reason that you did not
notice at the time. That is the problem with "control centers" and other
high-level tools: when they fail, you do not know why.

If you want a lesson, here is one: if you have a problem, always use
low-level tools to understand it and find a fix. Only then can you consider
porting the fix to high-level tools.

The low-level tool to control the screens' resolutions is xrandr. In
hindsight, I should have recommended it instead of xdpyinfo: the output is
more complete and more readable, and to get the current resolution it would
have worked even if the driver was not correct.


  Nicolas George

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