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Re: auto-mount NFS shares on boot

>>>   - On some systems with static IP addresses (and
>>>     /etc/network/interfaces), I had the problem that even though the
>>>     interface was conisdered up and ready by the kernel, the switch it
>>>     was connected to needed 30s or so to realize that fully (and
>>>     packets were simply dropped beforehand). Since those systems also
>>>     needed to mount NFS...
>Then you need to talk to your networking guy and tell him to switch STP
>off on that port (or switch to RSTP).

Hi Sven,

thank you for your promt answer. But what you are suggesting is, that I should get
rid of the 30s delay, I guess.
But my question is, what to do If I have (for whatever reason) such a delay. Even
more precise what is going wrong (or is it realy wrong?) if I handle the delay
in the way I mentioned.

All the best,


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