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Re: Issue with udev in wheezy -> jessie upgrade

Hi Wessel

Am 08.07.2015 um 08:27 schrieb Wessel Nieboer:
> Thanks for the help, eventually I ended up fixing it by removing the
> input group...
> root@weebl:~# groupdel input
> root@weebl:~# dpkg --configure udev
> Setting up udev (215-17+deb8u1) ...
> + update_hwdb
> + udevadm hwdb --update --usr
> + addgroup --quiet --system input
> + [ -z 175-7.2 ]
> + upgrade_fixes configure 175-7.2

The problem most likely was, that you/some other software had created
the input group, but did not create it as *system* group.

The result is, that the addgroup call in postinst fails. Unfortunately,
it does that silently, which is a bug in adduser/addgroup [1].

As a workaround, we decided to remove the "--quiet" flag when calling
addgroup in postinst [2].


[1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=763055
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