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Debian KDE, repeatedly asking me to insert a CD


After I previously attempted to install the testing version of Debian (although I thought it was the stable 8.1 version) on a virtualbox machine I decided to use the debian-8.1.0-i386-kde-CD-1.iso ISO. This installation occurred without error and the net connection is fine (why I'm even using its connection to send this email). The reason I am sending this email, however, is that I installed scilab via APT (which also happened without incident) and since then whenever I run `apt-get install <package>`, where <package> can be substituted with whatever package ya want and it doesn't seem to make any difference, I get the following message after I answer `Y` to do I want to continue with the installation: 

`Media change: please insert the disc labeled
 'Debian GNU/Linux 8.1.0 _Jessie_ - Official i386 kde-CD Binary-1 20150606-13:00'
in the drive '/media/cdrom/' and press enter`

And I'm wondering what's this is about. My original ISO which I used to install this virtual machine (VM) is still connected to the VM (I know it's no longer needed after the installation is complete, it's just I haven't shut the machine down yet so I haven't had the chance to remove it). 

Thanks for your time,

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