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Re: Adobe Flash Player in Jessie Iceweasel and Shutterfly?

On 06/12/2015 at 02:58 PM, Thomas H. George wrote:

> Using Iceweasel I continually get a popup saying Flash Player needed
> to display some content. In fact, all the content seems to be
> displayed so the popup is only a minor annoyance.
> BUT then a friend send a link to photos at shutterfly which I can't
> view as Flash Player is required.
> I tried installing Flash Player by downloading the tar.gz version and
> following the installation instructions. Popup is still there.  Next
> I downloaded the .rpm version and used alien and dpkg to install it.
> Popup is still there and no photos.

First, if you need the Flash Player, I recommend installing it via the
'flashplugin-nonfree' package.

Did you restart Iceweasel after the install?

In my experience, Firefox / Iceweasel / other-variants-of-the-same does
not recognize changes in the Flash plugin (and possibly in other
similarly interfaced plugins) until after the browser has been restarted.

Also, what does about:plugins say about the situation?

I've been experimenting with the Shumway extension, which is an attempt
to implement a Flash player in JavaScript, as part of Mozilla's effort
to kill the need for the binary Flash plugin. It's certainly not 100%
compatible yet (or anything near it, really), but it's surprisingly good
in a lot of cases.

If you care enough about trying to use only free software, and tend to
use only the sorts of Flash found on the major sites that rely on it, it
may be worth giving Shumway a try.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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