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Re: How can I force a full fsck on a remote system at next reboot?

Quoting Michael Biebl (biebl@debian.org):
> Am 2015-03-13 00:17, schrieb Jape Person:

> Right, you're not the only one. There were quite a few people, when
> they noticed file system errors in the system log, they thought it
> might be a good idea to force a file system check and reboot via
> shutdown -F, not realizing that this caused writes to a file system
> which already had problems. That this is not a good idea is
> hopefully obvious.
> That's basically the whole reason, why the usage of /forcefsck is
> discouraged and the -F command line switch was removed from
> shutdown, to hide this "feature".

Presumably also because, with errors=remount-ro in /etc/fstab,
/forcesck wouldn't get created, which is just as well in view
of your first point.

> >I will check the man pages for grub-set-default. It seems like the
> >approach of using grub for this function on remote systems may be a
> >little easier than I was thinking it would be earlier on.
> >
> >BTW, do you have any thoughts as to why the recent upgrade in
> >initramfs-tools would defeat the strategy I was using -- setting
> >maximum mount count to zero with a line in rc.local and then invoking
> >tune2fs to change it to a value of one, and then rebooting?
> Unfortuantely not. I haven't looked into detail yet, what the
> changes in initramfs-tools (I assume you refer to 0.119 here) do.

My understanding of this change, which may well be wrong, is that the
fsck now takes place *before* / is mounted, whereas it used to happen
after / was mounted ro but before it was remounted rw.

And I think this is all about the fsck that says "clean" rather than
the fsck that checks everything, which is what fsck.mode=force is for.


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