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Re: 2 GDM3 questions

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Paul van der Vlis" <paul@vandervlis.nl>
> Hello,
> How can I remove the data GDM3 stores?
> Background: When I login with GDM with an LDAP user GDM remembers this
> user and present them the next time. I've used some testusers with
> strange names and I would like to remove these users, because I want to
> make an image of this machine. "apt-get purge gdm3" does not help to
> remove this data.

In my experience any time the LDAP server is down, GDM (and lightdm for that matter) lose their memory of users and their preferred session types.  If you learn the mechanism behind that, maybe it will help me prevent this in the future.

> Another GDM3 question:
> How can I change the "system default" desktop for all users?

I *think* this might be set by running update-alternatives --config x-window-manager


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