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Re: repeatable dpkg-buildpackage


Dňa Mon, 26 May 2014 14:17:51 +0300 George Shuklin
<george.shuklin@gmail.com> napísal:

> ....
> dpkg-source: warning: newly created empty file 
> 'build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/neutron/api/__init__.py' will not be 
> represented in diff
> (100500 times for different files).
> How can I to rebuild deb second time? It looks like I miss some
> cleanup command.

Reco described the problem correctly. I will try to provide solution ;-)

You have (basically) two options:

1, extend the clean rule (in debian/rules) to delete mentioned
__init__py file (or whole build directory) – exact action depends on
build system used – i can help with debhelper only:

	rm -f build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/neutron/api/__init__.py
	# or simple whole directory
	# rm -rf build/

2. you can extend the diff-ignore variable in debian/source/options
file to ignore changes in some file(s), e.g.:

extend-diff-ignore = "(^|/)build/.*/neutron/api/__init__.py$"

Of course, you can adjust regexp/path. And finally, i will suggest to
replace the dpkg-buildpackage by the debuild, which call the
dpkg-buildpackage and then the lintian in one step.



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