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Re: media 'slideshow': movies + pictures

On 05/23/2014 12:37 PM, Wim Bertels wrote:
> Hallo,
> does anyone know a free program to display pictures and movies as a
> presentation
> (mplayer and vlc don't seem to do that)
> eg ideally as simple as:
> $ programX -r media/
> would show them in a random order
> where /media
> has a tree subdir structure containing movies and pictures

In fact mplayer plays a show of animated .gif images:

~$ mplayer *.gif

Then you may start with tools you have in debian to find more options:
~$ apt-cache search slideshow |wc -l

I notice that libreoffice (for powerpoint slides) and imagemagick are
not found with that search, but I use the latter for slideshows, for

~$ display -delay 100 media/*.jpg

Certainly others will chime in with their favorites.  Have fun!


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