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Re: cdimage.debian.org how-to? what gives? [solved]

On Fri, 21 Mar 2014 16:38:25 -0600
Paul E Condon <pecondon@mesanetworks.net> wrote:

> Over the years since Potato, I have noticed that while each new
> release was bigger and better than its predecessor, the web site
> became more and more convoluted and difficult to navigate. I'm not a
> web designer, as well as not being a developer. But the new access
> path to iso images is something I can live with, now that I know it
> exists.

I've noticed this too. I always need to struggle, navigate and wander to
download the right ISO image. If I ever wanted to install
Debian Testing (which I don't), I have no idea how to do
that. Occasionally I don't know I downloaded the wrong image until I
boot the DVD made with it.

My other Debian confusion is all the program sources and how to
enable/disable them. I know of no web page that explains the whats,
where's and why's of this. Fortunately, I'm in several LUGs with
Debian-knowledgeable people, so if I get in a bind, I can get help.

Some time, after I truly understand the ins and outs of Debian
versions, downloads, backports, and the like, I'll write a document to
explain it, clearly, in one place, for the new Debian user.



Steve Litt                *  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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