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images not correctly rendered in iceweasel

On some websites, Iceweasel is not rendering the images correctly. The same website works perfectly in chromium browser.

For example, here is a screenshot of http://www.java.com/images/jv0h_java8.jpg in both the browsers

http://imagebin.org/300474 - iceweasel
http://imagebin.org/300473 - chromium

Notice how the chromium screenshot shows everything in blue while iceweasel's screenshot shows it in green. Has anyone encountered this problem? I am curious to know what causes this problem and want to find out if there is a fix.

The problem occurs on other websites such as facebook.com but not on all the websites (ex:- images on images.google.com render correctly in both browsers). I am not sure why.

My machine is a combination of Debian stable (Wheezy) and testing (Jessie).

rajulocal@hogwarts:~/x$ dpkg -l iceweasel chromium
ii  chromium                                       32.0.1700.123-1~deb7u1       amd64                        Google's open source chromium web browser
ii  iceweasel                                      24.3.0esr-1~deb7u1           amd64                        Web browser based on Firefox

Please let me know if you need any other information.

Kamaraju S Kusumanchi

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