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Re: Gnome (wheezy) questions: Language setting, speech synthesis, visually impaired user

On 19/03/14 07:41, W. Martin Borgert wrote:> Hi,
> I'm trying to configure a laptop (Debian wheezy) for a visually
> impaired user, who speaks Spanish.

> 2. How to configure speech synthesis for login and logout?

I'm sorry, I know nothing of GNOME or Orca - I use KDE and it's
accessibility reader (which also uses espeak).
*But as no one else has replied yet...*

This should 'probably' exist:-

> It seems, that neither the login (lightdm) nor the logout dialog
> (Gnome shell?) "talks to me". When I'm logged in, Orca talks to me
> (in English).

Espeak includes Spanish, and Orca uses espeak (apparently) - so it
"probably" should work in Spanish.

> Would this work with gdm and/or do I need to configure anything for
> this?

It 'should' - I can't test these, but they confirm it's possible and
should provide clues on how to achieve the same things in Debian:-

> Thanks in advance!

The end user may find this useful:-

Kind regards

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