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Re: put gparted on minimum system, for disks over 2TB

On 31/01/14 10:50, C.T.F. Jansen wrote:
> Greetings,
> Tried to setup a 3TB disk using cfdisk and it failed silently. Suggest
> that cfdisk is updated to work with current disks; 3 and 4 TB. At least
> update the man page. partman is not on the production system and can't
> be installed, don't know if it actually works with disks over 2TB.


> gparted worked but it had to be installed first, it was not on the
> system already. It is not on the base, minimum, system. Suggest that it
> be put on the minimum system since it should work with whats out there
> and these sizes will become more and more common.
> Saw quite a few web pages by people struggling with this.
> frank.jansen@actrix.gen.nz, ZL2TTS

Perhaps you conflate the limitations of DOS (MBR) partitions with GPT
(GUID)? The former has a 2.somethingGiB limit.

GParted is just a gui for parted.

IMO cfdisk is not a great choice due to sector sizes and starting sector
(can cause problems with GRUB)

parted or gdisk will happily partition large drives, fdisk not so much.

Kind regards

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