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Re: Image cloning software

On Ma, 09 dec 14, 20:05:54, Miroslav Skoric wrote:
> Btw, when I mentioned 'cloning' an image on the other machines, I meant
> including those with different hardware (CPU, GPU, HDD & RAM size). Would it
> be possible?

It depends:
- CPU: matters only if different architecture
- GPU: might matter in case you have custom kernel and/or custom Xorg 
- RAM: shouldn't matter
- HDD size: if the new HDD is bigger a bit for bit cloning (e.g. using 
  dd) will leave you unused space, but you might be able to resize 
  cloned partitions or create new ones in the empty space.

You should probably provide more details about the installation to be 
cloned and hardware where the clone will be used.

Kind regards,
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