Re: Image cloning software
On 30 November 2014 at 04:39, Miroslav Skoric <> wrote:
> Is there a good software for Debian 7.7 as well as for Debian 6.10 that is
> capable to produce a multi DVD/CD image of a working system, in a way that
> such image can be used later as a DVD/CD installation media for 'cloning' on
> the other comps (or on itself, in case of an irreparable failure of a
> working machine)? Thanks.
The Live-CD project? Packages are in the Debian repositories:-
I haven't used it in recent years, but I suspect with some tinkering
it could do what you want - rescue cd, with a backup of your
customisations, configurations, and home, an archive of main packages
(space providing), and a copy of "dpkg --get-selections > selection"
which could be scripted to rebuild and/or clone a box.
AFAIK not in the Debian repositories - but you could try mkCDrec:-
...and it's "successor" -
There is also Debian-based Live CD, it's name escapes me, which is
kind-of Norton Ghost and it includes the ability to clone to DVD.
A simple clone (dd) would limit you to reinstalls on disks the same
size or larger - whereas cp (with the appropriate switches) will, in
most cases, work fine - if you first partition and format the new
disk. You'd need to change the UUIDs in GRUB. I've used that method
and "dpkg --set-selections < selections" and customised /etc/skel to
do what you describe but only from disks not optical media. A little
bash scripting and bashburn or similar should make it possible to put
that onto optical media. Start the restore/clone process with a tiny
rescue cd booted toram?
Generally the process you describe is done with something like
puppet/chef etc, or preseeding PXE installs, on a larger scale (SOE
> M.
Kind regards
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