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Re: cron in UTC?

On Thu, Oct 02, 2014 at 02:16:06PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
> Thanks Jonathan. I use Docker from time to time, but never knew about
> LXC. If I use LXC experimentally, what's a good, simple, proof of
> concept use case?

Well it isn't doing anything useful but I created a generic linux guest
using lxc-create and had a guest in a matter of a minute or so,

> SUITE=jessie lxc-create -n guest2 -t debian -B lvm --vgname qusp_vg

Another minute to do bridge configuration in the host and set up networking.  I
haven't used it for much but it starts up and shuts down very rapidly. There's
a general impression of speed vs. real VMs.

At work, we do high-density VM hosting for practicals (every UG student gets a
VM on some modules). We've used KVM for the last few years but I'd like to try
LXC if possible this year, to see if we can get better host utilisation (we
usually avoid putting more than 100 VMs on each host machine).

I would find it useful to have a sid container (or containers) knocking around
for building debian packages rather than either run sid on my real machine or
use pbuilder, schroot etc. - which work, but are rather hacky.

I'm also considering using an lxc container to run a cupsd with some nasty
samsung drivers, to keep that stuff out of my main system. If I consider
running the dropbox client on my backup system (to backup my wife's dropbox)
I would want to isolate that too.

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