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Re: systemd-shim to be removed?

On 01/10/14 18:44, Slavko wrote:
Dňa Wed, 01 Oct 2014 18:00:39 +0200 Sven Joachim <svenjoac@gmx.de>
No, it's because systemd-shim Breaks: systemd (<< 209), but testing
has systemd 208-8.  If you need systemd-shim (i.e. you're not using
systemd as PID 1), wait with the dist-upgrade until systemd 215
migrates, which should happen in the next few days.

And all these things are named as "systemd alternative" in Debian now
and as argument that the systemd is not only one possible PID 1.

"systemd" is the package that delivers /lib/systemd/systemd, /lib/systemd/systemd-logind, and some other such things. It's not the package that makes /lib/systemd/systemd run as PID 1.

"systemd-shim" is the package designed to allow (e.g.) /lib/systemd/systemd-logind to run at least tolerably well when PID 1 is a program other than /lib/systemd/systemd.

The new version of package "systemd-shim" happens to have ended up migrating from sid to jessie sooner than the version of package "systemd" that it's designed to work with.

This kind of synchronization misfortune is a thing that *happens* in the "testing" branch of Debian (one can argue about whether it *should*, but that discussion seems to be at most only obliquely relevant to whether PID 1 implementations other than systemd are going to end up being usable in jessie-as-released). It is not, in my experience, the kind of thing that happens in the "stable" branch of Debian.

As such, I'm not clear how this incident is in any way relevant to the complaint implicit in the remark "And all these things are named as "systemd alternative" in Debian now and as argument that the systemd is not only one possible PID 1."

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