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Re: There is no choice

On 21/09/14 14:31, Lisi Reisz wrote:
On Sunday 21 September 2014 14:06:32 Peter Nieman wrote:
But, and please correct me if I'm wrong, isn't it true that the
developers we are talking about in the context of systemd and similar
achievements - while maybe "volunteering" for Debian - are also paid
developers working for a commercial company that just *might* have a
totally different agenda than serving Debian users' interests? A company
for which Debian is a competitor at that? Shouldn't that make one think?

I believe you are wrong.  As I understand it, of the eight on the TC who
voted, the four who voted for systemd were all unpaid in this context (they
must earn their living somehow), the four who voted for Upstart were all paid
Ubuntu developers who had in fact worked on Upstart, and no-one voted for

I don't think it's fair to say that Ian Jackson "voted for Upstart", since there were *four* candidate init systems (sysvinit, openrc, upstart, systemd) plus the always-present "further discussion option, on the ballot, and the vote was held (like all Debian votes) under a Condorcet-style voting system.

Ian's vote was F > V > O > U > D - i.e. that he didn't think it was time to hold a final vote yet, but that if it was time to hold a final vote, then his first preference would be for sysvinit to remain the default init system in Debian jessie.

https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=727708#6729 holds the analysis of the votes (resulting in a tied Schwartz set consisting of systemd and upstart), and ...#6734 holds Bdale Garbee's declaration of his casting vote.

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