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Re: Faking it with skype

On 20/09/2014, Scott Ferguson <scott.ferguson.debian.user@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 20/09/14 01:38, Bret Busby wrote:
>> On 19/09/2014, Scott Ferguson <scott.ferguson.debian.user@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> <snip>
>>> Have you successfully run any version of Skype on that build previously?
>> In a message posted last month, was;
> Which'd be why I didn't read it.
>> "
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Bret Busby <bret.busby@gmail.com>
>> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 06:42:38 +0800
>> Subject: Re: Skype access cancelled for Debian versions before 7
>> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
>> <snip>
>> With the Skype 2.2 (beta), running on Debian 6, I was able to connect
>> successfully, and, successfully make videocalls, with people running
>> Linux, and, with people running MS Windows.
> *If* that's the same build, then install the same version (2.2 beta) and
> then change it's version number to 2.4x.

It is m y understanding that Microsoft prohibited access to all
versions of Skype that are earlier than version 4.3.

How would changing the version number from 2.2.x to 2.4, fix the problem?

> If you have not kept an old version - either download one from one of
> the "old-software" archives, or let me know and I'll email you one (I
> have 2.2.x and 2.3.x versions).
>> It worked, so Microsoft broke it.
> It's their software. Complaining that a for-profit company ceases to
> keep paying for your use of old software - after a number of years, on a
> platform that's no longer supported, seems, um, somewhat unreasonable.
> Especially if the stated reasons for not using an alternative is the
> logically recursive excuse that "not enough people use it". Presumably
> that's not how you meant your comment to read.

No, that is not it at all.

The old sofware worked without problem.

Then Miscrosucks said "Screw the lot of you - we will force you to
upgarde to our latest bodgy software, from your reliable software that
worked, and, to do this, we will insitute a barrier, so that versions
of the software that are earlier than our latest bodgy software, will
be forbisdden access to the facility.

It is like what the australian federal government did with television
- where they banned analogue television, that worked most of the time,
and imposed limited digital television, that does not work most of the
time, and is about as reliable as analogue television was, fifty years
ago - "Oh, the temperature outside is above 25 degrees (centigrade),
so it is too hot for television, and television is off the air", or,
"Oh, there is a gentle breeze outside, so the television signal has
been blown away".

And I have no idea as to from whence you derived this;

the stated reasons for not using an alternative is the
 logically recursive excuse that "not enough people use it".

I do not see how you created that.

>> "
>> and
>> "
>> :~# dpkg -l skype|tail -n1|tr -s ' '|cut -d ' ' -f3
>> "
>> That version of Skype, was from when it was Skype Skype, before it
>> became Microsoft Skype.
>> It installed without problem, and, was able to be configured and run,
>> without significant problems. The only problems, in configuration,
>> were, from memory, choosing the device drivers for the sound input and
>> output devices. Once they were set right, it worked okay.
>> And so, Microsoft broke it
> You said that before. You also posted error logs that show your problem
> is that your system *can not run* the software - not because you can run
> the software but are denied access to the network because the version
> number is not the 2.4.x   :/

No - I posted no error logs that showed that the version of Skype that
I have installed, does not run - I do not know where you got that

I can load and run the version of Skype, that I have installed - I
have always been able to do that, since I got it correctly configured,
when the Skype exchange or server or however it is to be named, was
operational - I simply can not connect to the Skype exchange, as
Microsucks has put up the barrier, and crippled it.

>From whence does the reference to 2.4.x, come?

Insofar as I am aware, Microsucks has blocked access to all versions
of Skype, that have version numbers less than (I say "have version
numbers less than", rather than "are earlier than", because of the
workaround) 4.3.

It has just occurred to me - I believe that the appropriuate term for
the Microsucks action, is crippleware. Microsucks has crippled
versions of Skype, that have version numbers earlier than 4.3.

I have no idea as to from whence, you got the ideas that yopu posted
in your message above. I trust that the message to which I have
responded, is from the real Scott Ferguson, and, not from someone
pretending to be him.

Bret Busby
West Australia

"So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
 Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
 "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
 A Trilogy In Four Parts",
 written by Douglas Adams,
 published by Pan Books, 1992


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