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Announcing The Virtual Plan 9 Server Cookbook

This is the publication I wished I had had several
months ago, so I decided to write it.  With hundreds
of screen shots and a few choice scripts (the main one
based on maht's make_cpuauth contribution to Plan 9),
it walks a UNIX sysadmin of modest experience through
installing Debian Sid onto an x86_64 box capable of
full-virtualization and then installing a virtual Bell
Labs Plan 9 computer therein and transforming it from
a stand-alone non-networked terminal configuration
into an Internet-capable cpu/auth server.

This alpha version has all the information needed to
do this--only the Overview section remains to be
written.  I would like to get other folks' evaluations
of the work so it can be improved.  It is released
under Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike and GPL2.

I really hope it is helpful to a lot of people as time
goes by.

<not cent from sell>
May the LORD God bless you exceedingly abundantly!

"So the universe is not quite as you thought it was.
 You'd better rearrange your beliefs, then.
 Because you certainly can't rearrange the universe."

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