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Re: Choose your side on the Linux divide

On Tue 26 Aug 2014 at 14:36:20 -0700, David Guntner wrote:

> Yea, yea, yea, killfiles.  We shouldn't *have* to use them to manage
> the content on a list that's supposed to be about a particular
> topic.  The noise-to-signal ratio shouldn't be so high that
> killfiling is necessary.  If we have to, all it is is a statement
> that there are too many inconsiderate people on the list who don't
> care that they're offtopic.

Agreed. The health of this list isn't maintained by sticking fingers
in ears. Why should we allow its usefulness to deteriorate?

> I've said my peace on the subject for now, and I'm not going to
> debate points with you on the subject.  Hopefully, there will at
> least be a few people who get the point.

The first mail in this thread has a link; basically that is all it
contains. It is the staple signature of the "I have nothing to say but
hope it generates a large response so I can look important" poster. It's
often matched in its thoughtlessness by the "+1" response.

The justification for the post is that "...how your Linux operating
system is started......is 100% Linux."

This proposition works just as well for putting the same post on the
Arch Linux, Ubuntu and Gentoo lists, which would make it OT on all
these three lists plus debian-user.

(The last paragraph contains a subtle argument, I know; but sometimes
you have to try).

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