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Re: System broken after full-upgrade: please help!

On 6 Aug 2014 20:10 +0000, from rodolfo.medina@gmail.com (Rodolfo Medina):
>>>>  `After this message, you will be given a shell with /dfev/sda7 mounted on
>>>>  "/"...'
>>>> I press enter, and it gets back to the previous: `Execute a shell in
>>>> /dev/sda7'.  I press enter, and again to `After this message...' and so on
>>>> and so on...
>>> Never seen that behaviour. Is /dev/sda7 where you have your root file
>>> system?  Are you using the Wheezy installer?
>> Well, no, I'm using Lenny installer.
> ...In fact, if I ask it to execute shell in another partition, where I have
> Lenny, it works.  What do you suggest?

Is the boot CD and the installed system the same architecture? A
difference in architecture could conceivably cause the behavior you
are reporting. Library differences _might_, but really shouldn't, as
all libraries should be loaded off the root file system.

If you go as far as to that prompt, then switch to a different virtual
terminal (Alt+F[2..6], Alt+F1 to switch back) and then manually do
"chroot /mnt bash" (assuming the rescue mode installer mounts the root
partition at /mnt; use "df", "mount" or friends to confirm), does that
provide any useful diagnostic messages that might indicate the nature
of the problem?

And like someone said earlier, Sid is the unstable child (that breaks
toys). If you don't feel comfortable putting them back together every
now and then, consider migrating at least to testing, and possibly
even stable.

Michael Kjörling • https://michael.kjorling.se • michael@kjorling.se
OpenPGP B501AC6429EF4514 https://michael.kjorling.se/public-keys/pgp
                 “People who think they know everything really annoy
                 those of us who know we don’t.” (Bjarne Stroustrup)

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