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Re: boot order

On Sun, 2014-06-15 at 01:46 -0400, davidson@ling.ohio-state.edu wrote:

> >  echo "${SHUTDOWNBODY}" | mail -s "${SHUTDOWNSUBJECT}" ${EMAIL}
> >  sleep 4
> >  RETVAL=$?
> i can't comment on the rest of the script, but you probably want
> RETVAL to be the exit status of the pipeline that sends the mail.
> making RETVAL the exit status of 'sleep 4' looks wrong to me.

Compliment for the heads up :).

Indeed, it's unlikely that somebody wants to know the exit status of a
sleep command and also unlikely that a sleep command will exit with
another status than 0.

I could imagine that there is a problem. While processing mail -s there
might be a delay, but the script perhaps continues, so the OP perhaps
got the exit status of echo, since mail -s didn't finish. Maybe a && is
what this problem could solve. I experienced issues where I wanted to
run a command and wait until the command finished before I run the next
command, without the need to get the exit status, but && or a PS aux
loop doesn't work always.

It e.g. often fails here:

$ cat /usr/local/bin/evowrap

case $1 in
  JWM) evoterm --force-shutdown
       while ps aux | grep "evowrap --force-shutdown" | grep -v grep ; do sleep 1 ; done
       while ps aux | grep "evoterm --force-shutdown" | grep -v grep ; do sleep 1 ; done

echo "Launch: evolution $@"
printf "Cancel? [c] "
read pushed_key

case $pushed_key in c) exit;; esac
evolution $@

printf "Push enter to close terminal emulation? "
read pushed_key


$ cat /usr/local/bin/evoterm

roxterm --maximize -T "evolution $*" -e evowrap $*


But always works here:

]$ cat /usr/local/sbin/alice 
case $1 in
    --off)    echo ; poff -a ; ip link set enp3s0 down ; echo -n "Progress: "
              while pidof pppd > /dev/null ; do echo -n "." ; sleep 3 ; done ;
              echo ; modprobe -vr pppoe ; echo ; exit ;;


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