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Re: Setting up a home gateway/router

Pascal Hambourg <pascal@plouf.fr.eu.org> writes:

> csanyipal@gmail.com a écrit :
>> Reco <recoverym4n@gmail.com> writes:
>>> /24 net allows 256 addresses. You've tried one (and is using another
>>> one), so it's 254 to go.
> Less. .0 and .255 are reserved as network and broadcast addresses.
>> Also, I get no documentation else with the static IP address from my ISP
>> but that that I get the static IP address for the NIC
>> with the specific MAC address that I don't wrote down here.
> Is it really static or DHCP with a reservation for your MAC address ?
> In the latter case, revert to DHCP and you'll get all the required
> parameters (address, netmask, gateway, DNS) automatically.

The problem is solved now.

It is not really static but DHCP with a reservation for my MAC address.

I mentioned before maybe that, that I removed the dhcp-client
program. Now, I installed it again. Fortunately, I don't removed it from
/var/cache/apt/archives/ directory.

In /etc/network/interfaces I have now

allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

I tried the commands in on command line:

# service networking stop && service networking start

but this freezes the situation; I waiting 2 minutes and after that I
power off and then power on the GW machine.

After that I can login to it with SSH and can see that everything works.

So the problem is solved. Thank you all for help.

However, in this case ISP's closes all ports, but 80.
So, now I have open port 80 only.

But, if I want to setup on this server an LDAP server, then there must
be opened other port too.

Well, one is depend on her/his ISP very much.

Regards, from Paul

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