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Re: Setting up a home gateway/router

On Sat, 24 May 2014 17:45:35 +0200
csanyipal@gmail.com wrote:

> Well, I tried the default gateway with IP address:
> and
> None of them works. I rebooted every time when changed the default gw
> address.

Ok. Just to avoid sloppy wording I'd like to add that I meant 254 IP
addresses left, not that you should set default gateway's last octet to

> On both case I get the error message:
> $ ping -c 3
> PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
> >From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable
> --- ping statistics ---
> 3 packet transmitted, 0 received, +1 errors, 100% packet loss, time
> 2017ms

To keep things simple. Two host can communicate with each other without
third party (router) only if they have their IPs from the same network.

To communicate with the host from the different network (in your case,
anything other than, and, probably which is your home network) - you need IP routing.

Simpliest case of routing is to provide host with the default gateway,
so any IP packet which does not belong to a 'defined' (see above)
network should go there.

You're trying to ping Google's DNS server, which isn't part of your
network without a working default gateway, so no wonder it says you that
'Destination net is unreachable'.

> Also, I get no documentation else with the static IP address from my ISP
> but that that I get the static IP address for the NIC
> with the specific MAC address that I don't wrote down here.

That can greatly simplify things if your ISP is using NAT with some
kind of port redirection. Meaning, you obtain your IP as before, and
they did all the job already.

Can you please try to obtain any address on eth0 via dhcp (as before),
check if anything works (i.e. from you to the Internet), and then try
to connect to from the outside?


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