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Re: reboot required after linux-image upgrade?

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On 05/14/2014 02:55 AM, Reco wrote:

> Hi.
> On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 08:40:11PM -0400, Theodore Alcapotaxis wrote:
>> Before you reboot, do you need to issue the command sudo
>> update-grub ??
> Every linux-image package should contain a post-install script which 
> will invoke grub-install without human intervention.

They do appear to, but in my experience, not uncommonly when running a
dist-upgrade that includes a linux-image* upgrade something will get
messed up about the order of events; the script will get run at the
wrong time, and then not get re-run later when it needs to.

The result, which I've seen frequently, is that the new kernel shows up
in the GRUB boot menu, but the GRUB boot entry does not include the
matching initrd - and as a result, that kernel will not boot.

If I reboot into the previous kernel, in most - possibly all - all cases
the needed initrd does already exist under /boot. If I then run
'update-grub' by hand and reboot again, the boot entry then properly
mentions the initrd and booting that kernel works properly.

I don't know what package(s) this would be a bug in, since AFAIK it
seems to be caused by the order in which various packages get processed
during the dist-upgrade process, not by issues in e.g. the scripts of
any particular package; I also don't have a means of intentionally
reproducing the problem, much less doing so on demand. That's why I've
never reported a bug about this, but I've definitely seen it in at least
a large fraction of kernel-image upgrades in the past.

(It may or may not be relevant that I frequently don't reboot right away
after installing an updated kernel image, and in fact may install
multiple such updates before I finally reboot. My typical uptime in
between reboots is at least a month and a half, probably at least two or
three months, but I dist-upgrade to testing at least once every two or
three weeks.)

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   The Wanderer

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