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Re: [SOLVED] Text files treated like html in apache 2.4

Stephen Powell grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> Well, the joke is on me.  The text file I was trying to view was a
> Windows-style text file, with each line (except the last) ending in
> a <CR><LF> combination.  But it was being served up by Apache running
> on Linux.  Linux-style text files have each line (except the last)
> end with only a simple <LF>.  This apparently confused Microsoft
> Internet Explorer and it did not recognize it as a plain text file.


That sounds like yet another really good sound reason for not using
Internet Exploder, if that's really the case.  Any browser shouldn't be
determining the type of file based on the end-of-line character set.

Is your Apache server correctly setting the MIME type for a file based
based on the file extension (.html, .txt, etc.) like it should be?
Because *that* is what's supposed to tell a web browser how to interpret
and handle the contents of the file it gets sent from the server....


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