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Start pacat on boot (or after xbmc)


I have a script that starts and kills pacat (pulseaudio cat) in order to
get my USB turntable to work.
It is a rather simple script, reproduced below for reference.
I want to run this script at boot, but whatever I try, it doesn't seem
to work. When started at boot (using an init script, or rc.local) the
log it produces is always "pa_stream_drain(): Bad state".
When running the script manually it works perfectly.
The script is invoked with this command:
su username -l -c /path/to/vinyl.sh

if ps ax | grep -v grep | grep $SERVICE > /dev/null
	killall pacat
	pacat -r -d alsa_input.usb-Burr-Brown_from_TI_USB_Audio_CODEC-00-CODEC.analog-stereo | pacat -p -d alsa_output.default > ~/templog 2>&1

Any ideas would be welcome.

Best regards,

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