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Re: Re: Number of Procs

Darac Marjal wrote:
> It is perfectly normal to have many processes. It's also, however,
> possible to have "too many" processes? How many is too many? This is
> where Linux's concept of "load average" comes into play. Calculating 
> "load average" is a complex task, but the numbers SHOULD come out that a
> load average equal to the number of CPUs is a perfectly-loaded system.
> Run "uptime" and you'll see the load average over the last 1, 5 and 15
> minutes. If these numbers are high, you have a busy system.

Thanks for the info.

Today I did not have any problems, but I was used to have at most 100
processes. Then, when the number of processes increased about 200, that
was usually some bug (e.g. in some web browser plug-in), eventually
requiring to kill X11 or, even, reset the computer.
Lately, I have usually more than 300 processes listed in gkrellm (337
right now), and sometimes the system stops to respond (with high disk

hudson@musix:~$ free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:           435        412         22          0          2         74
-/+ buffers/cache:        334        100
Swap:         1057        143        914
hudson@musix:~$ uptime
 13:38:58 up  2:09,  1 user,  load average: 0,11, 0,20, 0,28

Hudson Lacerda

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