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Re: Part way there Was:Re: Wireless Controller Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG in a Dell Inspiron 9300

Lisi Reisz wrote:
> I have a partial success.  I have started the wireless connection 
> manually, as a result of continuing to Google.  I did:
> Disconnect ethernet cable
> # ifconfig eth1 up
> # iwlist eth1 scan
> # iwconfig eth1 essid NETWORK_NAME
> # dhclient eth1

That will work.  :-)  But it definitely illustrates that you are
operating an unencrypted connection.  I strongly recommend converting
to WPA2 and unhiding it.  And then there wouldn't be a need for mac
address list blocking either.

> It is up and running.  Now how do I make its functioning permanent?  
> (I.e. so that it will load automatically as it did before.)

I recommend that you work through the wicd problems.

But is this laptop ever mobile?  Do you take it off and connect to
other networks?  Or does it *always* stay at home and *always* connect
up to your current access point?  If so then you can set up a static
configuration for it using the ifupdown command line way.  That will
cause wicd/NM to avoid it.

First would be to stop wicd and NM.

  # service wicd stop
  # service network-manager stop
  # apt-get install wpasupplicant wireless-tools iw crda

In /etc/network/interfaces add an entry like this:

  allow-hotplug eth1
  iface eth1 inet dhcp
	wireless-essid NETWORK_NAME

Or if for WPA/WPA2:

  allow-hotplug eth1
  iface eth1 inet dhcp
	wpa-ssid NETWORK_NAME

But don't do this if you are going to be taking the device to other
networks.  For mobile use you very likely want the GUI to select from
the available options at the various locations.  The above is good
only if your device is only attached to a single access point and
never travels.


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