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Re (2): CUPS, "Add Printer Error".

From:	"John L. Cunningham" <djohngo@gmail.com>
Date:	Wed, 5 Jun 2013 23:32:43 -0400
> ... make sure lpadmin is actually set as the administrator user group. 

peter@dalton:~$ grep lpadmin /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
SystemGroup lpadmin
peter@dalton:~$ grep lpadmin /etc/group

Here are some lines from /var/log/cups/error_log
D [06/Jun/2013:10:42:35 -0700] update_cups_browse: Refused 212 bytes from
D [06/Jun/2013:10:42:44 -0700] cupsdAcceptClient: 16 from (IPv4)
D [06/Jun/2013:10:42:44 -0700] cupsdReadClient: 16 POST /admin/ HTTP/1.1
D [06/Jun/2013:10:42:44 -0700] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Not busy"
D [06/Jun/2013:10:42:44 -0700] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.

Under Squeeze, I wasn't in the lpadmin group but whenever an 
adminstrative task was attempted a simple authenication dialogue 
appeared.  After authentication as root, administration was allowed.  
Under Wheezy, no dialogue appears.  So I'd wonder that CUPS 
seeks authentication but can't obtain it.

Was the authentication service which CUPS relies upon broken 
or removed in the grade from Squeeze to Wheezy?  The dialogue 
was a drab rectangle with fields for user and password.  Can 
anyone tell what software made that?  Otherwise I'll set up 
an old Squeeze system and work to identify it.

Thanks,           ... Peter E.

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