Re: persistent-net.rules for fixed ethX names and VLANs
On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 4:36 PM, Steffen Dettmer
<> wrote:
> I have persistent-net.rules in form:
> SUBSYSTEM=="net", KERNEL=="eth*" ACTION=="add",
> ATTR{address}=="40:d8:55:09:43:0f", NAME="eth3"
> How to use fixed ethX device names and VLAN devices at the same time?
I found a workaround that seems to solve my issue. At the end of
persistent net rules or a "higher" file I added:
# Avoid renaming of VLAN interfaces:
SUBSYSTEM=="net", KERNEL=="eth*.*" ACTION=="add", NAME="$kernel"
Of course this only works as long as following the naming
convention to call the VLAN interface "eth<X>.<V>" with <V> being
the number of the VLAN tag, for example "eth3.77".
NB: interestingly, according to the documentation [1], "%r"
should be the same as "$kernel", but here "%r" does not work.
When using NAME="prefix%r" the interface is renamed
accordingly. Seems to be a bug?
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