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Update of kde-window-manager wants to remove kde-standard


I think that will get eventually resolved, but I am just curious how I can find 
the root cause of this upgrade issue.

E.g. for 

 plasma-dataengines-workspace : Depends: libkworkspace4abi2 (= 4:4.11.2-3) but 
4:4.11.3-1 is to be installed.

there is certainly plasma-dataengines-workspace Version: 4:4.11.3-1, which 
depends on libkworkspace4abi2 (= 4:4.11.3-1)

so why is aptitude complaining about this?

blackbox:~# apt-get upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
The following packages have been kept back:
  icedove kde-style-oxygen kde-window-manager kde-workspace-bin kde-workspace-
data kde-workspace-kgreet-plugins kdeartwork kdm kscreensaver ksysguard
  ksysguardd libavcodec53 libkdecorations4abi2 libkephal4abi1 libkscreensaver5 
libksgrd4 libksignalplotter4 libkwineffects1abi5 libkwinglutils1abi2
  libkworkspace4abi2 libplasma-geolocation-interface4 libplasmaclock4abi4 
libplasmagenericshell4 libprocesscore4abi1 libprocessui4a libsmokekdecore4-3
  libsmokekdeui4-3 libsmokekfile3 libsmokekhtml3 libsmokekio3 
libsmokeknewstuff2-3 libsmokeknewstuff3-3 libsmokekparts3 libsmokektexteditor3
  libsmokekutils3 libsmokenepomuk3 libsmokeplasma3 libsmokesolid3 
libtaskmanager4abi4 libweather-ion6 plasma-dataengines-workspace plasma-
  plasma-netbook plasma-widgets-workspace ruby-kde4 ruby-plasma
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 46 not upgraded.
blackbox:~# aptitude install -t sid kde-window-manager 
The following packages will be upgraded: 
  kde-style-oxygen kde-window-manager libkdecorations4abi2{b} 
libkwineffects1abi5 libkwinglutils1abi2 libkworkspace4abi2 
6 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 553 not upgraded.
Need to get 3615 kB/4236 kB of archives. After unpacking 1024 B will be used.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 plasma-desktop : Depends: libkworkspace4abi2 (= 4:4.11.2-3) but 4:4.11.3-1 is 
to be installed.
 plasma-dataengines-workspace : Depends: libkworkspace4abi2 (= 4:4.11.2-3) but 
4:4.11.3-1 is to be installed.
 kde-workspace-bin : Depends: kde-style-oxygen (= 4:4.11.2-3) but 4:4.11.3-1 
is to be installed.
                     Depends: libkworkspace4abi2 (= 4:4.11.2-3) but 4:4.11.3-1 
is to be installed.
 libplasmagenericshell4 : Depends: libkworkspace4abi2 (= 4:4.11.2-3) but 
4:4.11.3-1 is to be installed.
 libkdecorations4abi2 : Breaks: libkdecorations4abi1 but 4:4.10.5-3 is 
 kdm : Depends: libkworkspace4abi2 (= 4:4.11.2-3) but 4:4.11.3-1 is to be 
The following actions will resolve these dependencies:

      Remove the following packages:                                                              
1)      libkdecorations4abi1                                                                      

      Upgrade the following packages:                                                             
2)      kde-workspace-bin [4:4.11.2-3 (experimental, now) -> 4:4.11.3-1 
3)      kde-workspace-data [4:4.11.2-3 (experimental, now) -> 4:4.11.3-1 
4)      kde-workspace-kgreet-plugins [4:4.11.2-3 (experimental, now) -> 
4:4.11.3-1 (unstable)]    
5)      kdm [4:4.11.2-3 (experimental, now) -> 4:4.11.3-1 (unstable)]                             
6)      ksysguard [4:4.11.2-3 (experimental, now) -> 4:4.11.3-1 (unstable)]                       
7)      ksysguardd [4:4.11.2-3 (experimental, now) -> 4:4.11.3-1 (unstable)]                      
8)      libkephal4abi1 [4:4.11.2-3 (experimental, now) -> 4:4.11.3-1 
9)      libkscreensaver5 [4:4.11.2-3 (experimental, now) -> 4:4.11.3-1 
10)     libksgrd4 [4:4.11.2-3 (experimental, now) -> 4:4.11.3-1 (unstable)]                       
11)     libksignalplotter4 [4:4.11.2-3 (experimental, now) -> 4:4.11.3-1 
12)     libplasma-geolocation-interface4 [4:4.11.2-3 (experimental, now) -> 
4:4.11.3-1 (unstable)]
13)     libplasmaclock4abi4 [4:4.11.2-3 (experimental, now) -> 4:4.11.3-1 
14)     libplasmagenericshell4 [4:4.11.2-3 (experimental, now) -> 4:4.11.3-1 
15)     libprocesscore4abi1 [4:4.11.2-3 (experimental, now) -> 4:4.11.3-1 
16)     libprocessui4a [4:4.11.2-3 (experimental, now) -> 4:4.11.3-1 
17)     libtaskmanager4abi4 [4:4.11.2-3 (experimental, now) -> 4:4.11.3-1 
18)     libweather-ion6 [4:4.11.2-3 (experimental, now) -> 4:4.11.3-1 
19)     plasma-dataengines-workspace [4:4.11.2-3 (experimental, now) -> 
4:4.11.3-1 (unstable)]    
20)     plasma-desktop [4:4.11.2-3 (experimental, now) -> 4:4.11.3-1 
21)     plasma-netbook [4:4.11.2-3 (experimental, now) -> 4:4.11.3-1 
22)     plasma-widgets-workspace [4:4.11.2-3 (experimental, now) -> 4:4.11.3-1 
23)     systemsettings [4:4.10.5-3 (now, testing) -> 4:4.11.3-1 (unstable)]                       

Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/?] q
Abandoning all efforts to resolve these dependencies.

Maybe apt preferences file:

blackbox:~# cat /etc/apt/preferences
Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian Backports,a=wheezy-backports
Pin-Priority: 400

Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing
Pin-Priority: 600

Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian,a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 300

Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian,a=experimental
Pin-Priority: 250

Package: *
Pin: origin www.deb-multimedia.org
Pin-Priority: 200


Many thanks,

Rainer Dorsch

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