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Re: Init system deba{te|cle}

On Sun, 3 Nov 2013 14:21:40 +0000
Jonathan Dowland <jmtd@debian.org> wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 03, 2013 at 02:06:06AM +0400, Reco wrote:
> > Linux is way ahead of AIX, FreeBSD and HP-UX in this regard even if
> > using good ol' sysvinit. So, Lennart fixed what wasn't broken in the
> > first place.
> If that were so, why are people adopting it?

I don't know why people adopting it. I only have an option about why
distributions adapting systemd. IMO:

Fedora - because RedHat needs something enterprisey for their RHEL, and
apparently upstart in RHEL6 doesn't cut it (being pet Canonical project
and all that).

OpenSUSE - because Novell (assuming, of course, there's anybody left to
make decisions after their sellover) needs something enterprisey for
SLES, and their homegrown sysvinit doesn't cut it for some reason.

ArchLinux - because they like to ship upstream projects unmodified and
like to change things frequently. They ship GNOME - GNOME says 'use
systemd' - they ship systemd.

Did I miss some more-or-less important distribution that already moved
to systemd?

PS Not that I have anything against systemd. By the time I'll get my
hands on it (be it next Debian stable, or RHEL7) they'll sure stabilize
it somehow, write distribution-specific documentation and all that.


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