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Re: Hosting advice

I wouldnt pass by Amazon as possible choice especially because you can run a micro virtual instance for one year for free, perfect for testing. You have complete control of your infrastructure and you pay only for the time your server is running. You are complitely flexible you can upgrade and downgrade as you wish add ebs storage volumes, network interfaces, set subnets, firewalls and acl'l, host domains in route53, have clustering and load balancing if you need in the future, have snapshot backups and create your own os images and the list of benefits goes on and on and on. And most of these is just couple of clicks away in the aws admin console.
Now for a single server im not sure you would bother with all these but just saying. They have price list for all their services and regions so its easy to calculate is it worth for you. And as they grow and expand the prices will only get cheaper.

On 01/11/2013 10:02 AM, "Craig L." <craig@gtek.biz> wrote:
Hello all,

I have a good friend that is in a sticky situation and has turned to me for help. I'm not 100% sure of how to advise him so I figured I would pose our question here.

He lives in Texas, in the USA. He is starting his own business, and a bit sooner than he planned. He has a domain registered to him. He needs to be able to set up email service asap, with an eye towards eventually setting up a web site for the operation. I know GoDaddy offers these types of services, but I'm not a big fan of GoDaddy. Since I will probably be the system administrator for a while, I would prefer a hosting service that offers a Linux OS, preferably Debian, and PostgreSQL or MySQL, again preferably PostgreSQL.

May I trouble you good people for suggestions that meet these needs? We would like to have at least one working email address by close of business tomorrow (Friday, 1 November), or Monday at the latest.


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