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Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Tue, 2013-10-29 at 10:56 -0400, alex.padoly@laposte.net wrote:
I shall want to buy a SMARTPHONE with a free O.S (GNU).
Many of my friends say to me that ANDROID is a free system, it is
What do you think about it?


AFAIK it's free/libre open source, but apps are not for free as in beer.
I didn't read the Wiki, so I don't know if it will answer your question.

Google's lawyers probably say it's what OP wants.
I bought an Android tablet ASSUMING a Debian-like usability. DISAPPOINTED!!

Some quotes from the Wikipedia article:
Second sentence - "Initially developed by Android, Inc., which Google backed financially and later bought in 2005". Third paragraph under 'Licensing' - "Even though the software is open-source, device manufacturers cannot use Google's Android trademark unless Google certifies that the device complies with their Compatibility Definition Document (CDD). Devices must also meet this definition to be eligible to license Google's closed-source applications, including Google Play. In recent years, a number of open-source Android apps have been abandoned and replaced by closed source versions, while Google Play Services inherits and introduces development API's which are also proprietary.[138][139] Richard Stallman and the Free Software Foundation have been critical of Android and have recommended the usage of alternatives such as Replicant, because drivers and firmware vital for the proper functioning of Android devices are usually proprietary, and because Google Play allows non-free software." {[nnn] are footnotes in article}

I suggest OP browse links at https://www.google.com/search?q=android+root+OR+rooting .

As for me, I've bought my last Android device.

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