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Re: firmware installation


*> Where are those firmwares currently installed? Where did you get them
 > from?*

I built now 2 kernels for experimental purpose : 3.2.52 and 3.11.6. Both with initrd option passed at the "mkinitramfs -k -o /boot/initrd.img-<version> <version>"

After this I just installed the linux-firmware package from the repositories.
And Debian stopped to complain about the missing firmwares.

*Last result on 3.2.52 boot :*

- The boot process stops on a (initramfs) prompt. Debbie does not seem to find
"/etc/fstab" and therefore /proc /sys etc..

- The keyboard does not respond.

*> Are you upgrading from squeeze to wheezy?*

Actually it is what I would like to do but any attempt made leads to
mouse, keyboard and network card out.

*> Did you experience any trouble during dist-upgrade?*

Every attempts to dist-upgrade worked fine, until the reboot which
leads to the same problem.

Though I stopped trying to dist-upgrade to avoid the whole reinstallation
each time. So now, I just try to boot on a newer kernel on a Squeeze

For the record, I succeeded to dist-upgrade to Wheezy which functions
ok, with a 2.6.32-5-amd64 kernel. The only thing : it can't start
gnome3 (which isn't a so bad thing actually..) - and maybe other
issues that I didn't have time to encounter as I upgraded the kernel just
after -> And then, no keyboard, no mouse, no network but still, the platform

*> Can you provide logs?*

syslog -> http://pastebin.com/6Y0kwC4W
messages -> http://pastebin.com/cAszk9Dk
kern.log -> http://pastebin.com/S6FRxfBj
lspci -> http://pastebin.com/HkNAf4zm
dmesg -> http://pastebin.com/jvnNpnsr

The logs provided were emptied before an attempt to
boot from the 3.2.52 kernel.

At 14:29, I had no option but to reset the machine manually with the
reset button.

The boot and btmp log files remain empty whatever the kernel
the machine boots on. So I didn't join them.

Could you please provide what Andre requested as well as if this is all the
same installation and it's just an upgrade, or if it is two different
installs on two different volumes.

All these late attempts have been done on a fresh squeeze installation, that
I am running now - kernel 2.6.32-5-amd64.

   If it's just a upgrade and they show in your

aptitude list firmware

This command returned : "This aptitude does not have Super Cow Powers." :)
But I ran this one : "aptitude search '~i' | grep firmware" which returned :

145:i firmware-linux - Binary firmware for various drivers in the
146:i A firmware-linux-free - Binary firmware for various drivers in the
147:i A firmware-linux-nonfree - Binary firmware for various drivers in the
148:i firmware-realtek - Binary firmware for Realtek wired and wire

then it shouldn't be a problem.  Otherwise, if they are separate, if the
installs use the same architechtures (amd64 or i686) you can chroot.

Actually all firmwares needed seem to be installed but the issue remains. I thought
that it came from them but it seems to be more complicated than that.

The realtek network interface is the last in the lspci log.


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“Le vrai n'est pas plus sûr que le probable.”

                                               Diogene Laerce

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