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Re: Best practice vsftpd writable root inside chroot()

> > 1. Using no ftp -> no chance
> You didn't say but are you using ftp for upload access?  Since ftp
> sends passwords in the clear it is unsuitable in these days of a
> hostile Internet for any purpose other than anonymous downloading.

I need full access from all clients to their home directory including uploads. I'm aware of the security risks using ftp. But there isn't another option like sftp. ~60 clients with a minimum of knowledge of security risks and technical understanding. It will be a hard and non-profitable way to switch over to sftp or even http.

> > 2. Avoid using chroot is in my opinion a bad idea on a public
> >    accessable ftpd.
> But you are already using ftp.  Talking about security at that point
> is like putting a heavy duty lock on a screen door.  No matter how
> good the lock it is still a screen door and won't stop anyone who
> wants to run through it.
> > 3. Compiling vsftpd >3.0 from source and using
> >    allow_writeable_chroot=YES: This would lead in using non Debian
> >    packages and watching them seperatly.
> Use a Debian watch file.  See the 'uscan' program for details.  But
> you can have it automatically notify you when new versions arrive.

Sounds interessting. I will have a look...

> > 4. Using packages from Jessie: My preffered choice. But how to
> >    control security updates?
> Does the Jessie vsftpd allow writable chroots?  Sounds like a bug to
> be filed to me.

It is a "problem" of vsftpd. They decided to disable ftp with writable $HOME if chroot is enabled [1], [2]. It's a matter of old versions in Debian. Jessie provides the newer version with the new config setting.


[1]: https://security.appspot.com/vsftpd/Changelog.txt (Version 2.3.5)
[2]: https://security.appspot.com/vsftpd/FAQ.txt (Q3)

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