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Re: mtpfs - wheezy

On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 08:57:39AM -0400, Verde Denim wrote:
> Does anyone know when mtpfs will be released on wheezy? Apparently the
> latest tools/deps are at mtp9, but mtpfs requires mtp8 in order to work.
> I tried to install mtp8 but was unsuccessful due to other older deps.

Looking at the package page[1], never. There was a version in squeeze and
there is a version in sid, but now that wheezy has been released, there
is (I think) no chance of packages being added to it.

This is the nature of "stable". A set of packages is formed and those
are maintained for the life of the release; security patches are
released but typically no new functionality is added.

If you need the package in wheezy, you will probably need to build it
yourself. The other (patient) way is to wait for it to enter testing,
and then request that the developer does the work[2] needed to backport
the changes to wheezy.

[1] http://packages.qa.debian.org/m/mtpfs.html
[2] http://backports.debian.org/Contribute/

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