Re: which operation leads to the close all opening terminals
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 12:42:12PM +0800, lina wrote:
> > Without data, we can only speculate. Here's my wild speculation:
> >
> > You thought you had multiple terminals open, but what you had
> > was a single master process with multiple sub-processes. A
> I did have multiple terminals open.
> It only happened once, at least in what I can recall.
> > failure of some kind happened in the master process and when it
> > died, it took all the children with it.
So I ran an experiment. I ran gnome-terminal. That opened a
window. Then I went to File->Open Terminal several times. Now
there are several windows open.
Guess how many gnome-terminal processes there are?
And when I killed that one process, all the gnome-terminal
windows disappeared.
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