Re: start-stop-daemon on an inotify script
Andreas Leha <> writes:
> Hi all,
> (cross-post from here:
> I am on debian squeeze.
> Consider this stripped down script (placed at
> /usr/local/bin/testinotify) around inotifywait:
> #+begin_src sh
> #!/bin/bash
> WATCHDIR="/tmp/testinotify"
> inotifywait -mr --timefmt '%d/%m/%y %H:%M' --format '%T %w %f' \
> -e modify -e create -e close_write \
> "$WATCHDIR" | while read date time dir file; do
> FILECHANGE=${dir}${file}
> chgrp users "$FILECHANGE"
> chmod g+rw "$FILECHANGE"
> if [ -d "$FILECHANGE" ]; then
> chmod g+x "$FILECHANGE"
> fi
> echo "At ${time} on ${date}, file $FILECHANGE was chmodded" >> "$1"
> done
> #+end_src
> If I run this "by hand" via
> testinotify /var/log/testinotify.log
> everything works as expected.
> Here is my question: If I run this via start-stop-daemon as in
> PIDFILE=/var/run/ &&
> DAEMON=/usr/local/bin/testinotify && LOGFILE=/var/log/testinotify.log
> && start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --oknodo --pidfile "$PIDFILE"
> --make-pidfile --startas "$DAEMON" -- $LOGFILE &
> I get two instances of my script running.
> Why is that and how can I avoid that?
> The bad effect is, that killing the process with pid recorded by
> start-stop-script is not even stopping the inotifywait.
> Regards,
> Andreas
No one?
Is there anything, I should add to the question?
- Andreas
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