Re: network unrachable problem [SOLVED]
On 06/04/13 23:46, Bob Proulx wrote:
> Tony van der Hoff wrote:
>> Well, From reading the man pages (always a good idea) I discovered that
>> ifplugd calls ifup/ifdown to do its actual work.
>> Manually invoking "ifdown eth0" returned an error "eth0 not configured",
> Ah! So that is the problem.
>> so I guessed that is why ifplugd was not doing its job properly.
>> Further reading revealed that the stanza "auto eth0" is required in
>> /etc/network/interfaces for the kernel to be able to autoconfigure the
>> interface.
> No. That isn't correct. You need either auto or allow-hotplug to be
> there. Or both. If neither are there then ifupdown won't configure
> it.
OK. I think I wasn't entirely accurate in relating what I found. I meant
"allow-hotplug". Sorry!
> Of course there is no arguing with the result! But the question now
> is if there was an allow-hotplug statement before why it didn't come
> up before. Was the allow-hotplug also missing?
Both were missing for eth0. Out of the box Raspian interfaces contains
iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet dhcp
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet manual
wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
iface default inet dhcp
The stock Wheezy interfaces contains even less:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
I had only concentrated on getting wlan to work.
Anyway, many thanks for your help and advice; your time is much appreciated.
Cheers, Tony
Tony van der Hoff |
Buckinghamshire, England |
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