Re: cd ISO with automatic ssh statup
On Tue, 2 Apr 2013 22:40:48 +0100
Dick Thomas <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm thinking of reinstalling my server for reasons beyond the scope
> of the this email,
> but its headless atm is there a debian installer cd that
> automagicallystarts ssh Upon boot? (As boot CD/USB is the 1st device
> always to be booted)
> I can move the machine its just a pain in the a***
Perhaps FAI - Fully Automatic Installation
FAI is a non-interactive system to install, customize and manage Linux
systems and software configurations on computers as well as virtual
machines and chroot environments, from small networks to large-scale
infrastructures like clusters and cloud environments.
It's a tool for unattended mass deployment of Linux. You can take one
or more virgin PC's, turn on the power, and after a few minutes, the
systems are installed, and completely configured to your exact needs,
without any interaction necessary.
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